I looked at thread "Perl/Wine extension for perusal" ran on February, 2001. Want to bring some information from that thread to this discussion:
1) The discussion started from John Sturtz post, who created the Perl module for Win32 functions. Discussion what is better - C or Perl for unit testing started later as I understand there was no conclusion. Now I can assume that this topic was not "discussed to death" and we can do it now ;-)
2) One of arguments about the tool choice was its availability.
Currently you are free to use one of a few commercial compilers, free compiler lcc or gcc as part of Cygwin, mingw packages. One more problem - support for a few compilers environment for C. Perl is available as ActiveState and standard ports.
3) No existing unit tests frameworks were discussed.
4) There was a suggestion to use both - C and Perl tests
5) Was defined that existing application should not be run as part of unit test.
I think these are all points of that discussions, which will be interesting for this discussion. Feel free to correct me.
--- Andreas Mohr andi@rhlx01.fht-esslingen.de wrote:
On Thu, Dec 27, 2001 at 12:13:05PM -0800, Francois Gouget wrote:
The big question is a tool to test GUI. I did
not find
any OS Windows GUI testing frameworks :-(
Andreas has already replied and i agree with
him. But I'll basically
repeat what he said to give it more weight :-)
GUI testing is not 'the big question'. It's
irrelevant right now.
I'm convinced.
In the meantime we should try to discuss more about what the test suite framework should look like, i.e. whether my approach is good/bad, what to possibly improve, what the output should look like and whether it's suitably parsable.
Results of preliminary review of the unit testing frameworks. Some of these frameworks can run tests in a separate address space and can report crashes! Suprisingly I don't have too many options.
C frameworks: 1) Check. Problem - POSIX-based (under Windows needs Cygwin). 2) CUnit. Problem - very simple, in development. I think it is not worth trying. 3) cUnit. Problem - Linux only. 4) Autounit. Problem - POSIX-based 5) QMTest. Problem - needs Python.
C++ frameworks: 1) CPPUnit. Problem - in C++
Perl frameworks: - there are quite a few Perl modules for testing on CPAN, including port of JUnit to Perl.
Summary: What do you think - which ones we still can use despite the constraints? I'll review the chosen frameworks more closely.
Perl modules are Ok and I can review them in detail if we decide to go with Perl.
Andriy Palamarchuk
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