Lauri Kenttä wrote:
With proper spell checking, I could take a look at the Swedish translation, but the Swedish spell checking on wine-po has always been broken (includes dots in words and so produces hundreds of false positives).
I'm not sure the periods are an issue. The command I run is:
aspell -l sv --encoding utf-8
And it seems to return the same result whether there is a trailing period or not:
arraygränser. # arraygränser. 0
arraygränser # arraygränser 0
cmd-fönstret. # cmd-fönstret. 0
cmd-fönstret # cmd-fönstret 0
drivrutinsnivå. ? drivrutinsnivå. 0 0: driv
drivrutinsnivå ? drivrutinsnivå 0 0: driv
konsoll. & konsoll. 23 0: konsul, gondol, kontroll, konselj, konsuln, konsuls, konsult, knöl, kons, känslo, köns, kondom, konst, konto, gondols, kossor, konton, kontor, kontot, konvoj, känsel, sonson, kossors
konsoll & konsoll 23 0: konsul, gondol, kontroll, konselj, konsuln, konsuls, konsult, knöl, kons, känslo, köns, kondom, konst, konto, gondols, kossor, konton, kontor, kontot, konvoj, känsel, sonson, kossors