An Interesting one, on my system wine has been broken for a little while failing with a bad heap message I have tracked it down to one solitary line in Virtual.c:(115) and here it is :
#define ADDRESS_SPACE_LIMIT ((void *)0xc0000000) /* top of the user address space */
when making an anonymous mmap Solaris returns (gdb) disp ptr 11: ptr = (void *) 0xdf620000 (ptr gets copied to base later)
Which is somewhat larger than 0xc0000000 and a comparison at around line 1010 if ((base <= (char *)granularity_mask) || (base + size < base) || (base + size > (char *)ADDRESS_SPACE_LIMIT)) { SetLastError( ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); return NULL; }
Q. Why is there a hard limit on this ? Is this a Windows thing or a Linux thing. My only way to work around it would be to "strongly Suggest* mapping addresses to the OS which would be very messy.
Suggestions (Constructive ones) warmly received