On 02/04/2011 07:13 PM, James McKenzie wrote:
Since my Mac is dying I have decided to return to the Windows world.
It's your choice so I can't comment it but I bet you know what I think.
Please remember what you wrote to me (May, 2010) :
Don't give up on it, just take a break away from it, please. The solution might just come to you while you are working on something else. I've been working on a patch for two years and the implementation was completely wrong. I will go back to it in about a month, and actually fix two missing functions rather than one. This was the benefit of a mandatory break insisted upon by Alexandre. He does not want me to touch it until early October. That's fine. Just don't let this get you into a negative spirial. Alexandre and others have very good advice.
Please pull any and all patches. I have envoked the right to copyright and none of my code can or will be used in Wine.
Life's hard, unfair and never goes as we thought. Does it worth the fight ? Yeah, of course ! Just as you told me, don't give up and have a break, have a K*t K*t. Every mail and patch you sent is now archived and may be referred when relevant. I'm sure you did great things and whatever you think, you're part of Wine. We don't often say "good job !" because it often imply something in return (mostly money) but we should. It's always pleasant to see our work useful and that makes us proud.
So "Good job !", have a nice day and take care.