On Mon, May 9, 2016 at 11:04 AM, Alistair Leslie-Hughes leslie_alistair@hotmail.com wrote:
Added sign.
Signed-off-by: Alistair Leslie-Hughes leslie_alistair@hotmail.com
dlls/d3d11/tests/d3d11.c | 5 +++++ 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+)
diff --git a/dlls/d3d11/tests/d3d11.c b/dlls/d3d11/tests/d3d11.c index 03b6113..988c83b 100644 --- a/dlls/d3d11/tests/d3d11.c +++ b/dlls/d3d11/tests/d3d11.c @@ -882,6 +882,11 @@ static void test_device_interfaces(void) "Device should implement ID3D10Multithread interface, hr %#x.\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) IUnknown_Release(iface);
hr = ID3D11Device_QueryInterface(device, &IID_ID3D11InfoQueue, (void **)&iface);
ok(SUCCEEDED(hr) || broken(hr == E_NOINTERFACE) /* Not available on all Windows versions. */,
"Device should implement ID3D11InfoQueue interface, hr %#x.\n", hr);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) IUnknown_Release(iface);
hr = ID3D11Device_QueryInterface(device, &IID_ID3D10Device, (void **)&iface); todo_wine ok(hr == E_NOINTERFACE, "Device should not implement ID3D10Device interface, hr %#x.\n", hr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) IUnknown_Release(iface);
I think this test is wrong. AFAIK ID3D11InfoQueue is only available when you have the debug layer enabled. You can enable the debug layer by creating a device with the D3D11_CREATE_DEVICE_DEBUG flag.