On Mon, Oct 28, 2002 at 09:50:35PM +1100, Kye Lewis wrote:
Sorry for posting all of this to the wine-devel group continuously, but I may have found the problem (or I may not have) but either way I need some help.
I have run wine --debugmsg +relay acrord32.exe and read the resulting file. The last thing that comes up is: wineoss.drv
I had a quick look through the specific function's code
(The actual log entry is:
Call wineoss.drv.DriverProc(00000000,403e2858,00000001,00000000,00000000) ret=40c9d2b5
Recently in the KDE Control Panel's Sound options, I ticked the 'Use Full Duplex' option - and ever since that it hasn't worked.
Could this have been the reason?
I can't look and see if it was now, i'll have to restart linux, and right now i'm the internet server on the network - so no restarts for me :(
Huh ? You don't want to tell us that you've got a dualboot Windows/Linux and you're the internet server - via Windows ??? A very fitting (originally German) statement about this would be: Oh, you use a Windows internet gateway to let some Linux PC get access to the internet ? - so I gather you also use nails to drive hammers into the wall ?
BTW: sounds like fullduplex change may have been the reason, yes.