Hi, I need functions like 'MultiByteToWideChar', 'SysAllocStringLen', etc which are in kernel32.dll.so and oleaut32.dll.so libraries. I have some of questions regarding using them.
- How can I link these libraries with my program. Using option -lkernel32.dll looks for libkernel32.dll.so file. - I tried renaming the files and also creating soft links using libkernel32.dll.so to kernel32.dll.so. - If I link like that, my program is giving a 'segmentation fault' error. - I tried using libraries produced by compiling on my uptodate RH8.0 machine and also the libraries from the RH8.0 rpm available on sourceforge.net. - I implement an XPCOM class using these libraries and when I try to create an object, it gives the 'Segmentation Fault'. - I tried using libwine.so but it doesn't contain the above functions I need.
If anybody knows how to use these libraries, please mail back. Thanks in advance.
Regards, Anil