Speeddymon speeddymon@yahoo.com writes:
ModifiedFiles: tools/wineinstall
RCS file: /home/wine/wine/tools/wineinstall,v retrieving revision 1.26 diff -u -r1.26 wineinstall --- wineinstall 1 Apr 2002 20:56:51 -0000 1.26 +++ wineinstall 17 Apr 2002 23:06:39 -0000 @@ -291,6 +310,14 @@ sucommand="echo $libdir>>/etc/ld.so.conf;ldconfig;$sucommand" } fi
- if [ -f /etc/ld.so.conf ] && ! grep -qs "$libdir/wine" /etc.ld.so.conf
- then {
echo "$libdir/wine doesn't exist in your /etc/ld.so.conf, it will be"
echo " added when we perform the install..."
sucommand="echo $libdir/wine>>/etc/ld.so.conf;$sucommand"
- }
- fi
$libdir/wine must not be added to ld.so.conf. Users have to set the WINEDLLPATH variable if Wine is not installed in the directory that was specified with --prefix (which shouldn't happen with wineinstall).