On Mon, 14 Apr 2003, Andreas Mohr wrote:
Well, I just took Feb. 11 as some random date. Since that time, I've had 4 out of 9 of my patches rejected. Since we're speaking of rejecting: I'm sure you know the difference between iptable's REJECT and DROP target...
Yes, it's just that you maintained that 'very many valuable Wine patches got lost'. Which kindda implies they got DROPed, not REJECTed.
I'm not saying that all of my patches are necessarily "valuable", but this statistic accounts to a rejection rate of about 44%, which is slightly unacceptable (to put it a bit mildly ;). Other people seem to also have had some trouble.
Well, no system will do anything for the rejection rate. The patches weren't ready for prime time. What system do you want to put in place that will rework your patches as per Alexandre's criteria? :)
All we can do is worry about those patched that get droped (i.e. without a notification from Alexandre). You are talking about things that can't (and shouldn't ) be fixed.
I'm currently not very involved in Wine development, since I'm currently busy writing a driver at http://acx100.sf.net
Cool! What's gotten into you?!? :)