Binary packages for various distributions will be available from:
Summary of the past few weeks * Rebased to current wine 3.14 (880 patches are applied to wine vanilla) * Reviewed and upstreamed patches.
Updated patchsets * Corrected regression with sound not playing in Star Craft 2 * Updated ntdll-futex-condition-var
Added * [41573] Stop a crash in Battle.Net. * [45524] Speed Improvements in Tital Fall 2. * [45568] dinput8 to share code with dinput. * [45327] Improvements to support for League of Legends. * [45550] Correct NtQuerySystemInformation implementation. * [45570] Refactor LdrInitializeThunk. * [45571] Allow hooking of NtCreateThreadEx.
Where can you help * Run Steam/ * Try you favorite game: League of Legends, Titan Fall 2 * Test your favorite applications. * Steal staging patches and get them accepted upstream.
As always, if you find a bug, please report it via
Best Regards Alistair.