Quoting Robert Reif reif@earthlink.net:
Cihan Altinay wrote:
With a fresh wine prefix sound is enabled but I can't see which driver is used because none of them is checked in the new winecfg sound dialog. Did we forget to initialize the boxes on first run?
Cheers, Cihan
Use regedit to show HKCU/Software/wine/Drivers/Audio. Chances are it's empty (no drivers checked) so sound is disabled. It could be set to a driver that is not available but winecfg checks for that and should give you an error.
Well... the key doesn't exist unless I run winecfg at least once and change something. In that case it's not really important because a user will probably do that anyway. The only minor issue would be that someone runs winecfg for the first time and is satisfied with the defaults (no driver checked -> sound off) so without any changes he dismisses winecfg. And in this case it seems one of the drivers is used by default (sound on).
Cheers, Cihan