----Message d'origine----
De: Enrico Horn farmboy1@subdimension.com A: wine-devel@winehq.com Sujet: The version info patches + d3d question Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2003 14:47:31 +0100
The patches add version info to directx libraries. some games(for instance lucasarts games) wont run without finding a valid version of the directx files.
thanks, maybe you can do the same for d3d8 :)
the problem is they dont run even with the patches because they cant get version info from d3dim.dll and probably other d3d dlls. since wine doesnt have these dlls how can wine give these programs the needed info or is it planned to split ddraw in a ddraw and a d3d component?
actually, we are speaking about d3d architecture, but it will be possible to implement d3dim.dll (minors d3d calls) into near future using the "new" codebase. And d3d component (for version 3..7) is contained into ddraw.dll
Have fun Enrico
Regards, Raphael