Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
Thursday, April 14, 2005, 11:50:50 AM, you wrote:
Vitaliy Margolen wrote:
Ok, I need help here. I spend half a day trying to fix this. I moved send notify after color and font setup in TREEVIEW_DrawItem. It's getting closer to native. But! No matter what I try, I can't set background color from within Delphi App on DrawItemNotify. Which does work on windows.
Am I missing something? I changed text mode to opaque, so it should use current brush color for background. But when I printing GetDCBrushColor it stays the same! Could we have a problem somewhere in GDI?
Thank you! One thing I can't understand is why I couldn't see those changes directly in DC? Unless there are something more going on inside Delphi components. Any way, thanks for you help, patch in a queue.
{Set,Get}DCBrushColor do something different to what you expect. They set the DC_BRUSH colour, not the colour of the current brush selected into the DC. You can get select it into the DC using SelectObject(GetStockObject(DC_BRUSH)). The concept was probably introduced for this very use though, so you don't have to create a temporary solid brush and then delete it again.