On Mon, 20 Dec 2004 16:20:50 +0100, David Gümbel david.guembel@itomig.de wrote:
- as my colleague Stefan Munz has already pointed out recently[1] on this
list, Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stutgart GmbH (WRS) and us (ITOMIG) are launching an initiative called WINEprobe[2]. Its goal is to make local software vendors aware of the potential bussiness opportunity in a WINE-based port or a WINE/Linux version of their software.
Just curious, what is ITOMIG?
In order to make the WINEprobe initiative beneficial for the WINE project as much as possible, three things are in the making:
WINEprobe is an.. er.. interesting name. Why did you choose it? From a marketing perspective, it doesn't seem like a good name. In general, the word "probe" doesn't exactly give a warm, fuzzy feeling or generate excitement. Is this a translation of a German word that sounds better?
It sounds like you guys are interested in Winelib stuff. I'm sure you've investigated the pros/cons of that. Did you notice the Winelib documentation is very outdated? Would you guys want to tackle updating it?
-Brian Vincent