"Dmitry Timoshkov" dmitry@baikal.ru writes:
"Ferenc Wagner" wferi@afavant.elte.hu wrote:
I was under the impression that most of the tests are independent of desktop visibility.
Not really. Any API which directly or indirectly creates windows or uses GDI is affected by the desktop visibility.
Roughly checking the latest results shows that the following tests are affected seriously by desktop visibility:
ddraw:ddrawmodes gdi32:metafile ntdll:reg user32:input user32:msg user32:sysparams
Some pretty important ones, I agree, but hardly a majority.
Also, as I already pointed out, Wine doesn't run in that mode at all, so we can't compare apples to apples in that case.
You are absolutely right in the cases where it makes any difference (more than the above list)
And the apps most of the developers/users care about should be run on a visible desktop anyway.
Yes. I don't argue that testing on a visible desktop is a must. Some people are actually doing that, it seems. Or maybe that's just you alone... :) Anyway, I tried to make such results visually distinctive so that we shouldn't drop all the rest. Too bad it doesn't work.
figuring out why it doesn't work is completely useless IMO, since the results of the tests running on an invisible desktop can't be used for a reasonable comparison.
I see your point, even if find it a bit strong. Ivan's suggestion is nice, but that requires a probably not so trivial change in winrash. I wonder if Chris will do it.
And the winrash service is the only way to get several reports quickly for a new test.
Why? What prevents someone to run the tests manually in interactive mode once a day?
Nothing. Somebody is actually doing it for NT4, 2000 and XP. I did it now and then for Win98, but this one can't really be told apart from the invisible ones (not considering error counts). From http://winehq.org/site/janitorial:
Volunteers who will run the tests their Windows platform of choice on a regular basis so that we quickly fix incorrect tests
* Win95: Michael Stefaniuc, Fabian Cenedese * Win98: Tony Lambregts, Jeff Smith (SE) * WinNT: Luke Stras * WinME: James K Whiting * Win2k: Tom Wickline, Kye Lewis * WinXP: David Miller, Kye Lewis
If that someone can't or won't do it, then we have to find another someone. I'm pretty sure that there are enough not lazy people wishing to help we could to choose from.