This program doesn't run on my machine at all. I have ATI 9700 Mobility, driver 8.9.10. Here is the output of
WINEDEBUG="+opengl" wine ./Render\ To\ Texture.exe &> out.log
I also attach my glxATI.h and glATI.h (in /usr/include/GL/) for your info.
Regards, Toan
On 12/5/05, Raphael fenix@club-internet.fr wrote:
Anyone Can test this demo http://www.paulsprojects.net/opengl/rtotex/rtotex.html If have an ATI card who support WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float ?
- support WGL_ATI_pixel_format_float / WGL_ARB_color_buffer_float
- implement WGL_render_texture using GLX_ATI_render_texture (when available)
- better WGL_render_texture emulation (using PBuffers)
- fix wglMakeCurrent (and add usefull traces)
Regards, Raphael