Actually the correct way IMHO is to implement AcceptEx/GetAcceptExSockaddrs/TransmitFile in ws2_32.dll, and use WSAIoctl(SIO_GET_EXTENSION_FUNCTION_POINTER) to get function addresses in mswsock.dll. I believe this is that Windows' mswsock.dll do.
Christopher Harvey wrote:
Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
"Christopher Harvey" wrote:
Juan Lang wrote:
I'm giving the mswsock.c file some development time. I need to know if the winsock API has been inited.
The question is, why do you need to know that? Can't you just initialize it yourself? Then you'll know it has been. --Juan
There are some functions that return errors if WSAStartup hasn't been called. I think wine should do that too, rather than call it for the application.
It would really help to at least name those "some functions", or even better to provide a test case.
Alright, I see where I'm going wrong. I was reading the WSAAccept function when I thought I was reading the AcceptEx page in MSDN.