These functions have formatting inconsistencies:
+ HRESULT GetPriorityRecords( + [out] WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD *arrray, + [in, out] WORD *records);
+ HRESULT SetPriorityRecords( + [in] WM_STREAM_PRIORITY_RECORD *arrray, + [in] WORD records);
+ HRESULT ResetLoggingUrlList( );
+ HRESULT SetMaxPacketSize([in] DWORD size);
+ HRESULT SetMinPacketSize([in] DWORD size);
+ HRESULT GetDRMProperty( + [in] const WCHAR *name, + [out] WMT_ATTR_DATATYPE* type, + [out, size_is( *length )] BYTE *value, + [in, out] WORD *length);
These functions have naming inconsistencies:
+ HRESULT GetPlayOutputLevels( + [out, size_is( *length )] DRM_PLAY_OPL *play, + [in, out] DWORD *length, + [out] DWORD *pdwMinAppComplianceLevel);
+ HRESULT GetTimecodeRangeBounds( + [in] WORD stream, + [in] WORD Range, + [out] DWORD *start_timecode, + [out] DWORD *end_timecode);
Please spend some time double and triple checking before submitting again.