HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/ShellFolders has the following settings on a freshly installed system after first calling wine:
AppData c:\windows\profiles\mgoemmel\Application Data Cookies c:\windows\profiles\mgoemmel\Cookies Desktop z:\home\mgoemmel\Desktop Favorites c:\windows\profiles\mgoemmel\Favorites ... Personal z:\home\mgoemmel ... StartMenu c:\windows\profiles\mgoemmel\Start Menu
Can anybody tell me why "Desktop" is set to Z: instead of set to "c:\windows\profiles\mgoemmel\Desktop"?
And as a second question: would it be ok to add "My Music", "My Pictures" and "My Video" to this registry key? I would do this if anybody would agree that it's ok, and would send the necessary patches. Some if my programs blames me about these three missing values. If yes, where should it point to? z:\home\mgoemmel\My Music? Or would it be not much better to also point "Personal" to "c:\windows\profiles\mgoemmel\My Documents" too?
Thanks for any answers and/or discussions...
Markus Goemmel m.goemmel@compulab.de