Thanks for the link, i'll get those installed to try to find out why it is expecing a 24-bit value. Perhaps it is designed to work on a video card that supports 24-bit, I know a lot of modern hardware don't really support true 24-bit mode, but this app probably would support it.
On 3/18/06, Willie Sippel wrote:
Am Samstag, 18. März 2006 07:59 schrieb pagefault:
Updated again, this should be the final patch. Sorry for spamming. :)
This patch actually made it somewhat worse. Mirage shows the same bug as with your previous patch, only draws the backgound but no widgets. The background, however, is grey (which is correct), not blue as it used to be without your patch. Aura shows the missing widgets bug like before, but the background is transparent instead of light grey with your new patch applied.
-- Willie Sippel
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