You want to revert commit 5da31c8817293ff98b4defceb962f7d0fbc25829. It restores the authors list to the one in rough alphabetical order by last name.
This is the command you'll want to use: “git revert 5da31c8817293ff98b4defceb962f7d0fbc25829”
Here's a good reason for reverting the commit: “Revert commit 5da31c8817293ff98b4defceb962f7d0fbc25829.”
You (seotaewong40) are banned in Mozilla Bugzilla bug tracking system for repeatedly making inaccurate statements. See Bug 594788, Comment 44 for more details.
How do you remove your ban to Mozilla Bugzilla bug tracking system?
Please accept this suggestion to use the command in order to restore the AUTHORS list in alphabetical order by last name.
You'll need to ask the Wine project to remove the “.mailmap” file and restore the AUTHORS list in rough alphabetical order by last names.
The command to use is git revert 5da31c8817293ff98b4defceb962f7d0fbc25829.