Hi folks, I'd propose Aachen, Germany as meeting location. I am a student (mec. engineering) at the local technical university and depending on the amound of work involved I'd be very happy to get things up and going for you. There is quite cheap hotel room in Aachen (and I can do some research on that aswelll) and our university has the main buildings right in the city which can provide conference space. There are regularly taking place conferences (science and industry, mostly) and so in the biggest lectures hall in the Karman auditorium. The place has networking installed, and although the WLAN has not too great coverage I guess there's possibilities to come around that (1 or 2 additional WAPs, probably). Aachen is a nice 250.000 town, it's close to the three country triangle Belgium-Germany-Netherlands. This link should take you to exactly where I live, so that you have a clue: http://www.map24.de/map24/index.php3?map24_sid=fa541345f91b5449798dade7ad718... It'd be winter weather though, so > Long underwear and Parkas (and don't forget to bring a towel..), probably a slide (if this does became a real winter)
Would be glad if I could help out, just get back to me. regards, Marcel Partap P.S.: cc me! P.P.S.: My HP is http://www.synth-worldz.de, just in case.