A very similar approach to what I was working on and it looks like the right thing to do. I haven't had time to test it yes but if you have it should be ok to go in. I'll mail another patch or two to fix other issues relating to environment passing soon.
Thanks, Chris
From: Alexandre Julliard julliard@winehq.com Date: 2002/10/08 Tue PM 12:24:28 EDT To: Chris Morgan cmorgan@alum.wpi.edu CC: wine-devel@winehq.com Subject: Re: Environment passing
Chris Morgan cmorgan@alum.wpi.edu writes:
I've been looking into exactly what is broken with environment passing in CreateProcess() and the functions it uses. What appears to be breaking things at this point is just what Eric mentioned, that we mess with the PATH environment variable inside of fork_and_exec() and then we call out to execve() with this modified environment. It appears that we really do need to mess with the PATH environment variable to ensure that execve() finds things in the correct unix path locations. I was thinking that before we execve() that we could copy the current PATH into a variable called __PATH. We would then restore PATH in PROCESS_InitWine() from this __PATH.
Yes, I wrote a patch some time ago to do this, here it is. I think it should still work but I haven't tested it. Let me know if it works for you and I'll put it in.
Index: files/directory.c
RCS file: /opt/cvs-commit/wine/files/directory.c,v retrieving revision 1.54 diff -u -r1.54 directory.c --- files/directory.c 13 Sep 2002 18:52:01 -0000 1.54 +++ files/directory.c 8 Oct 2002 15:09:58 -0000 @@ -160,17 +160,21 @@ DRIVE_Chdir( drive, DIR_Windows.short_name + 2 ); }
- PROFILE_GetWineIniString(wineW, pathW, path_dirW, longpath, MAX_PATHNAME_LEN);
- if (strchrW(longpath, '/'))
- /* Set the environment variables */
- /* set PATH only if not set already */
- if (!GetEnvironmentVariableW( path_capsW, longpath, MAX_PATHNAME_LEN )) {
- MESSAGE("Fix your wine config to use DOS drive syntax in [wine] 'Path=' statement! (no '/' allowed)\n");
- PROFILE_UsageWineIni();
- ExitProcess(1);
PROFILE_GetWineIniString(wineW, pathW, path_dirW, longpath, MAX_PATHNAME_LEN);
if (strchrW(longpath, '/'))
MESSAGE("Fix your wine config to use DOS drive syntax in [wine] 'Path=' statement! (no '/' allowed)\n");
}SetEnvironmentVariableW( path_capsW, longpath );
- /* Set the environment variables */
- SetEnvironmentVariableW( path_capsW, longpath ); SetEnvironmentVariableW( temp_capsW, tmp_dir.short_name ); SetEnvironmentVariableW( tmp_capsW, tmp_dir.short_name ); SetEnvironmentVariableW( windirW, DIR_Windows.short_name );
Index: memory/environ.c
RCS file: /opt/cvs-commit/wine/memory/environ.c,v retrieving revision 1.37 diff -u -r1.37 environ.c --- memory/environ.c 24 Sep 2002 18:29:40 -0000 1.37 +++ memory/environ.c 8 Oct 2002 15:10:07 -0000 @@ -152,7 +152,11 @@ /* Compute the total size of the Unix environment */
size = sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(WORD) + sizeof(ENV_program_name);
- for (e = environ; *e; e++) size += strlen(*e) + 1;
for (e = environ; *e; e++)
if (!memcmp( *e, "PATH=", 5 )) continue;
size += strlen(*e) + 1;
/* Now allocate the environment */
@@ -164,7 +168,10 @@
for (e = environ; *e; e++) {
strcpy( p, *e );
/* skip Unix PATH and store WINEPATH as PATH */
if (!memcmp( *e, "PATH=", 5 )) continue;
if (!memcmp( *e, "WINEPATH=", 9 )) strcpy( p, *e + 4 );
}else strcpy( p, *e ); p += strlen(p) + 1;
Index: scheduler/process.c
RCS file: /opt/cvs-commit/wine/scheduler/process.c,v retrieving revision 1.200 diff -u -r1.200 process.c --- scheduler/process.c 3 Oct 2002 19:54:57 -0000 1.200 +++ scheduler/process.c 8 Oct 2002 15:10:10 -0000 @@ -820,9 +820,16 @@ /* now put the Windows environment strings */ for (p = env; *p; p += strlen(p) + 1) {
if (memcmp( p, "PATH=", 5 ) &&
memcmp( p, "HOME=", 5 ) &&
memcmp( p, "WINEPREFIX=", 11 )) *envptr++ = (char *)p;
if (!memcmp( p, "PATH=", 5 )) /* store PATH as WINEPATH */
char *winepath = malloc( strlen(p) + 5 );
strcpy( winepath, "WINE" );
strcpy( winepath + 4, p );
*envptr++ = winepath;
else if (memcmp( p, "HOME=", 5 ) &&
memcmp( p, "WINEPATH=", 9 ) &&
}memcmp( p, "WINEPREFIX=", 11 )) *envptr++ = (char *)p; } *envptr = 0;
-- Alexandre Julliard julliard@winehq.com