The palm Desktop installer requires some playing with MSI, I don't remember exactly what I did. Note that you can't run the Palm Desktop application, but you can run hotsync.exe which is enought to get PDF files onto the palm.
hotsync.exe: I guess you mean running the HotSync icon on the PDA.
No, it's an Win32 binary in the Palm Desktop install directory (usually C: \program files\palm) It's the "Hotsync Manager". Of course you'll need the HotSync programs on the PalmOS side too.
No, it doesn't work with USB.
OK that, it is clear.
Well, I didn't try, it might work but I don't think so. Especially because visor.c claims the device.
Here I am lost: Sorry for that. Could you please explain me this a little more in detail. Should I use infrared connection or USB connection for what you just described (network sync with I do have pi-nredir & pilot-link on my linux laptop but I do not see what I should configure on my PDA. Moroever, which port should I provide to pi-nredir ? Could give me the right command to use for "pi-nredir" to install /mnt/cdrom/essential_software/acrobatreader_for_palmos/adobereader-palmos.e xe as example ?
A small step-for-step howto: *Install Palm Desktop.
*install the Adobe Reader for PalmOS converter. This means running adobereader-palmos.exe with wine
*Launch hotsync.exe from the directory where Palm.exe is installed. You'll get the hotsync icon in your Desktop's systray
*Double-click it with the right mouse button. You'll always have to double click the hotsync icon to open the menu, I don't know why
*Select the "Setup..." menu item or whatever it is called. I have the German version and it's labeled "Einrichten..."
*Open the network tab, press "TCP/IP Settings". Check if the ip is correct and enter a correct subnet mask, e.g.
*Press OK to close the windows
*terminate any Linux app which might access the Palm. Connect the Palm to your PC with the USB cable
*Launch the Hotsync program on your PalmOS device
*Open the menu and select "LANSync-Setup" or what it's called. The german version labels it "LANSync-Einst..."
*Select LANSync and tab OK to close the dialog
*Start the Hotsync over the usb cable.
*Run pi-nredir -p /dev/pilot on your Computer 3 or 4 secounds later. The Hotsync dialog should pop up and the Device should perform a hotsync with the Win32 Palm Desktop. (replace /dev/pilot with the hotsync port visor.c provides to you. Usually /dev/ttyUSBX or /dev/usb/tts/X)
To upload a pdf launch the pdf converter from it's install directory, and select the pdf file to upload. Then perform a hotsync.
I hope this is correct, I wrote it down from memory.
Cheers, Stefan