I just had a look at the French translation of the dlls/kernel32/nls/winerr_fra.mc file. I noticed only the first 54 messages have been translated, whereas the other 1876 are still the English originals.
Was this on purpose? Or was this a partial translation which needs to be finalized (the remaining 97.2%)? I'm all for translating Wine in as many languages as possible, but I doubt this is the way to get there. Is there some way to detect if the 'translation' of a message is identical to the original (English) one and have it show up as 'partially translated' in the translation overview [1]?
As a side note, is there any review on translations or is the policy "any translation is better than no translation"? When Wine 1.0 is going to be released, how can we be sure that the application is actually completely translated. For example, if I really wanted to harm translations, I could make a copy of all English resource files, just change the 'LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT' to whatever language I would like to 'translate' and submit them. As far as I know, there is no way of detecting this.
Anyone got ideas?
Le samedi 07 juin 2008 à 00:05 +0200, Frans Kool a écrit : [...]
I just had a look at the French translation of the dlls/kernel32/nls/winerr_fra.mc file. I noticed only the first 54 messages have been translated, whereas the other 1876 are still the English originals.
Translations in Wine must be in sync for every languages (i.e. unlike other projects that use msgfmt/.po/.mo files, if Wine translations miss some ressources they won't appear at all). The case you are reporting might be different though.
I have sent a patch for some more strings. I won't have time to finish this file by the time Wine 1.0 is out. Please feel free to finish this translation.
Was this on purpose? Or was this a partial translation which needs to be finalized (the remaining 97.2%)?
The purpose was that the file stays in sync with its English counterpart. I haven't put too much effort myself in this file as the strings it contains are rarely visible to end users.
I'm all for translating Wine in as many languages as possible, but I doubt this is the way to get there. Is there some way to detect if the 'translation' of a message is identical to the original (English) one and have it show up as 'partially translated' in the translation overview [1]?
This is not supported yet by Mikołaj tool. So that the files have to be checked manually, see the last paragraph of http://wiki.winehq.org/Translating
As a side note, is there any review on translations or is the policy "any translation is better than no translation"? When Wine 1.0 is going to be
The patches are publicly available, if anyone contests the quality of one patch, it can be discussed on the mailing list.
released, how can we be sure that the application is actually completely translated.
You have to check manually.
For example, if I really wanted to harm translations, I could make a copy of all English resource files, just change the 'LANGUAGE LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_DEFAULT' to whatever language I would like to 'translate' and submit them. As far as I know, there is no way of detecting this.
Alexandre wouldn't commit such a patch I guess.
Best regards.