Lots of tests are showing new valgrind warnings involving IWineD3DImpl_CreateDevice, e.g.
http://kegel.com/wine/valgrind/logs/2008-07-14-06.13/vg-ddraw_dsurface-diff.... + Invalid free() / delete / delete[] + at notify_free (heap.c:199) + by RtlFreeHeap (heap.c:1284) + by compile_state_table (state.c:4557) + by IWineD3DImpl_CreateDevice (directx.c:3472) + by DDRAW_Create (main.c:235) + by DirectDrawCreate (main.c:373) + by CreateDirectDraw (dsurface.c:36) + by func_dsurface (dsurface.c:2616) + by run_test (test.h:488) + by main (test.h:537)
http://kegel.com/wine/valgrind/logs/2008-07-14-06.13/vg-d3d9_query-diff.txt + Invalid free() / delete / delete[] + at notify_free (heap.c:199) + by RtlFreeHeap (heap.c:1284) + by compile_state_table (state.c:4557) + by IWineD3DImpl_CreateDevice (directx.c:3472) + by IDirect3D9Impl_CreateDevice (directx.c:493) + by test_query_support (query.c:96) + by func_query (query.c:266) + by run_test (test.h:488) + by main (test.h:537)
Plus, http://kegel.com/wine/valgrind/logs/2008-07-14-06.13/vg-ddraw_dsurface-diff.... has the additional new warning:
+ Conditional jump or move depends on uninitialised value(s) + at IDirectDrawImpl_CreateSurface (ddraw_thunks.c:403) + by MipMapCreationTest (dsurface.c:198) + by func_dsurface (dsurface.c:2618) + by run_test (test.h:488) + by main (test.h:537) + Uninitialised value was created by a stack allocation + at IDirectDrawImpl_CreateSurface (ddraw_thunks.c:384)
Stefan, could you have a look? Thanks... - Dan