On 09/19/2010 03:21 PM, Zachary Smith wrote:
This Patch: Here I add find_osx_top_level() to the file, which is designed to identify top level HID collections. It is independent from patch [2/3] but required for patch [3/3]
Your formatting does not match the rest of the file (curly braces on separate line), no space between opening / closing parentheses and content. And you should merge your 3 patches into one. First two just add dead code.
(Missed the mailing list the first time, sorry.)
I'll merge the patches and fix the formatting later this evening, as well as correct a few compiler warnings I accidentally overlooked.
Regarding the spaces with opening and closing parentheses, are you saying I should or should not include space? The few hundred lines or so has no spaces throughout, but earlier in the file formatting is a bit inconsistent. For instance, see lines 229-238 for examples of space with opening and closing, just with opening, and no spaces.
-Zach Smith
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 09:43, Vitaliy Margolen wine-devel@kievinfo.com wrote:
On 09/19/2010 03:21 PM, Zachary Smith wrote:
This Patch: Here I add find_osx_top_level() to the file, which is designed to identify top level HID collections. It is independent from patch [2/3] but required for patch [3/3]
Your formatting does not match the rest of the file (curly braces on separate line), no space between opening / closing parentheses and content. And you should merge your 3 patches into one. First two just add dead code.
Bottom post on this ML please.
On 09/20/2010 09:24 AM, Zachary Smith wrote:
(Missed the mailing list the first time, sorry.)
I'll merge the patches and fix the formatting later this evening, as well as correct a few compiler warnings I accidentally overlooked.
Regarding the spaces with opening and closing parentheses, are you saying I should or should not include space? The few hundred lines or so has no spaces throughout, but earlier in the file formatting is a bit inconsistent. For instance, see lines 229-238 for examples of space with opening and closing, just with opening, and no spaces.
-Zach Smith
On Mon, Sep 20, 2010 at 09:43, Vitaliy Margolenwine-devel@kievinfo.com wrote:
On 09/19/2010 03:21 PM, Zachary Smith wrote:
This Patch: Here I add find_osx_top_level() to the file, which is designed to identify top level HID collections. It is independent from patch [2/3] but required for patch [3/3]
Your formatting does not match the rest of the file (curly braces on separate line), no space between opening / closing parentheses and content. And you should merge your 3 patches into one. First two just add dead code.
Leave spaces as you like then.