Is anyone working on DX9? It's all implemented by stubs right now, and I was thinking of lending a hand. If anyone's doing that, do you have a place where I can see how far you've gotten.
No point in reinventing the wheel. I probably won't be able to do very advanced work with it because I've barely touched DX under Windows, I can find a few books on it though. Also I've never used DX shaders, only CG so unless it's very close to that I can't much help there, I am willing to try though.
If noone's in the middle of doing that, I guess I can start on my own.
Thanks, Andrei
Is anyone working on DX9? It's all implemented by stubs right now, and I was thinking of lending a hand. If anyone's doing that, do you have a place where I can see how far you've gotten.
If you want to start working on this, better ask Raphael, Jason and Christian first (as I suppose that they have a tree a bit more advanced than what is committed to the current WineHQ tree).
Moreover, if you had read my interview ( :-) ), you would have seen that the plan (dictated by Raphael, the author of the DX9 stubs) is to first create the wined3d 'low level driver' to be able to layer both the DX8 and DX9 code over it (to prevent HUGE code duplication). Note that if you prod enough, maybe he will actually work on it ;-)