TL;DR: The todo below generates more than 90 KB of test report data. It would be really nice to fix it. storage32.c:3401: todo_wine ok(failed == expect_failed, "open with byte %x locked, mode %x %s but should %s\n",
Some of my WineTest reports went over the 1.5MB limit again and while the issue was not what I initially thought, I wrote a script (see attachment) to slice and dice them to figure out who contributes what.
Lines Bytes Category 1530 114848 9 traces generating >= 5120 bytes each 1842 106511 33 traces generating 2048 - 5119 bytes each 7020 358649 2221 traces generating < 2048 bytes each
2071 180266 9 todos generating >= 5120 bytes each 842 67746 20 todos generating 2048 - 5119 bytes each 4622 329705 2894 todos generating < 2048 bytes each
170 15372 Test failed 2787 144801 Others -------------------- 20884 1317898 Total
Traces are easy to deal with so I've sent some patches. We'll see how it goes.
The todos are much harder as they require fixing Wine. Still, if we manage to fix the top 9 we'll save around 180 KB. The next 66 KB require fixing 20 more todos, which is still somewhat plausible, but it gets hopeless after that.
The 'Others' category corresponds to the report header with the dlls list, and to the per test summaries.
So we're looking at minimum report size of 813 KB, but in practice we're unlikely to get below 1 MB.
Here are the top 20 traces and todos:
$ dupcount --traces *.report | head -n 20 Lines Chars Match 296 31777 font.c:3711: # Patch pending 339 20378 protocol.c:765: # Patch pending 143 14471 ddrawmodes.c:369: # Patch pending 171 9576 loader.c:1414: # Patch pending 226 9121 clipboard.c:154: # Patch pending 90 9050 ddrawmodes.c:340: # Patch pending 105 7875 istream.c:486: # Patch pending 82 7444 win.c:82: 78 5156 button.c:588: 85 5015 shlview.c:59: 145 4785 locale.c:3296: # Patch pending 131 4716 protocol.c:583: # Patch pending 54 4539 http.c:428: 56 4300 metafile.c:1736: 75 4050 locale.c:3215: # Patch pending 145 3936 locale.c:3190: # Patch pending 57 3846 msg.c:11475: 98 3626 clipboard.c:132: # Patch pending 48 3574 metafile.c:504:
$ dupcount -e '^[^:]*:[0-9]*: Test marked todo*:' *.report | head -n 20 Lines Chars Match 902 93357 storage32.c:3401: Test marked todo: 296 21312 sock.c:2741: Test marked todo: 256 18176 virtual.c:3350: Test marked todo: 256 14592 ebrowser.c:1742: Test marked todo: 110 8405 shlexec.c:1472: Test marked todo: 22 6530 shlexec.c:1462: Test marked todo: 74 6395 font.c:3789: Test marked todo: 92 6074 propvariant.c:169: Test marked todo: 63 5425 font.c:3781: Test marked todo: 63 4788 file.c:4209: Test marked todo: 63 4714 file.c:4207: Test marked todo: 29 4569 dib.c:1322: Test marked todo: 64 4504 graphics.c:3686: Test marked todo: 64 4432 graphics.c:3657: Test marked todo: 64 4432 graphics.c:3674: Test marked todo: 54 4042 saxreader.c:2393: Test marked todo: 42 3982 qcap.c:337: Test marked todo: 38 3834 saxreader.c:2489: Test marked todo: 25 3764 batch.c:312: Test marked todo:
On Fri, May 8, 2015 at 10:47 AM, Francois Gouget wrote:
TL;DR: The todo below generates more than 90 KB of test report data. It would be really nice to fix it. storage32.c:3401: todo_wine ok(failed == expect_failed, "open with byte %x locked, mode %x %s but should %s\n",
Woohoo! I'm number one!
Although arguably that's 3 todos each with their own entry in a struct, I'm guessing one of them would still be on top anyway. Most of it is probably the readonly exclusive mode, which I'm guessing will actually fail to open a file if any byte in the file is locked at all.
It shouldn't be hard to fix, but I cannot guess the reason behind native's behavior, and it didn't seem like an important detail to get right.