Yesterday's Ubuntu updates produced a rash of pulseaudio changes, and suddenly alsa works with wine, without stumbling. Today's secret to making it work: In System/Preferences/Startup applications, uncheck pulseaudio sudo apt-get install esound -------- Why do you need to install esound?
I don't know. I've taken it for granted that some kind of mixer is needed. Perhaps because I don't use the default sound card, the on-board card. Maybe I don't need esound at all. Or maybe if I could permanently make my Creative X-fi card the default. Right now, to do that, I have to revert back to the alsa-utils from Jaunty and use asoundconf set-default-card. (The newest alsa-utils does not include this handy tool.) -------- sudo nano /etc/pulse/client.conf autospawn = no Then every time your computer starts, run killall pulseaudio in terminal first. (Because the Startup Applications menu doesn't really work.)
-------- Painful bug in Ubuntu. Yet another reason why I stay away from it at all costs :)
What do you use?
I trained and ran Dragon NaturallySpeaking without a problem.
Excellent news!
Yeah. I read somewhere that Ubuntu has made pulseaudio removable partly because of this very program, which of course is a great assistance to people with mild RSI, who can use a keyboard for some things, but tire easily when entering large amounts of text.
2009/8/28 Susan Cragin
Why do you need to install esound?
I don't know. I've taken it for granted that some kind of mixer is needed. Perhaps because I don't use the default sound card, the on-board card. Maybe I don't need esound at all. Or maybe if I could permanently make my Creative X-fi card the default. Right now, to do that, I have to revert back to the alsa-utils from Jaunty and use asoundconf set-default-card. (The newest alsa-utils does not include this handy tool.)
ALSA has shipped with "dmix" by default since shortly after 1.0 was released, though I think Ubuntu's pulse config can screw with it even after pulseaudio is removed.
Painful bug in Ubuntu. Yet another reason why I stay away from it at all costs :)
What do you use?
Debian (unstable). I also build the Debian packages for winehq :)