Hello Everyone,
On February 14th I made a suggestion on the wine-conf mailing list that we should have a annual Fund Raiser to help raise funds for our annual Conference.
Jeremy replied with his thoughts/suggestions and some back ground info on how the WPF funds have helped in the past.
From this, I cobbled together a extremely rough Donations page..
Keep in mind this is still very much a work in progress and the language within it needs major revisions.
The current discussion is now on whether or not a $1,000 donation is sufficient for a front page listing for one year since our search rank in so high.
Dan suggested that we join adsence, and I replied that I had already suggested this in the past.
At this point there are many undecided questions about the original suggestion of us having a fund raiser, as well as if we should join adsence.
If you have a opinion on this subject we would like (even suggest) that you to air them at this time before decisions are made.
Should we have a annual fundraiser to help with conference expenses? Thus far the consciences is Yes.
What is a realistic goal? I believe $10,000 is very doable.
What amount should we receive for a front page listing 'gold sponsor'? Is $10,000 to much or to small of a amount? If we decide on $10,000 the goal should be revised to about $25,000
Should the Wine project join the adsence network? With our high google page rank we are practically guaranteed to rake in a mint :D
Comments and suggestions are at this time highly suggested!
On Wed, 2007-02-21 at 21:11 -0500, Tom Wickline wrote:
Should the Wine project join the adsence network? With our high google page rank we are practically guaranteed to rake in a mint :D
Interesting note: our most likely sponsor is going to be a company involved with wine (the food item). Even though we have nothing to do with one-another, the ranking obtained by googling a term containing "wine" is certainly highly prized.
Thanks, Scott Ritchie
On 2/21/07, Tom Wickline twickline@gmail.com wrote:
Comments and suggestions are at this time highly suggested!
We could have a small WPF "Guidelines" and spell out what we intend to spend any raised funds on/for.. Trying to answer the tough questions at hand!
Here is a rough suggestion, please feel free to comment on it!
(Q) What will the funds that I donate be spent on? (A) All WPF funds will go toward the goal of the Wine project being a self sufficient entity, from time to time we will need to purchase new servers and have maintenance done on our existing servers. We can also help subsidize the purchase of documentation and programming tools for core developers. But the bulk of the funds will be spent on a yearly conference for developers.
(Q) What will the funds that are generated through adsence be spent on? (A) The above answer!
(Q) Who is in charge of the WPF funds and distribution? (A) Jeremy White CEO and potentate of CodeWeavers
(Q) What role will the WPF play in the conference? (A) The WPF will rent conference facilities, pay for one group meal, and one group outing for social conversation and comradery, sponsor travel expenses for core Wine developers.
(Q) Who is eligible for conference sponsorship? (A) The top twenty core developers by lines of code committed to the git tree
(Q) How often is eligibility reviewed? (A) On a yearly basis
(Q) Who is in charge of the guidelines and how are changes made to it. (A) Changes can only be made by a consciences of the core developers and Jeremy White the overseer of the WPF.
The above suggestions and comments are my personal thoughts and suggestions, they should in no way be meant as a consciences or goals set by or of the Wine project.