I don't know if this will help my Segmentation Fault at all, but when runing winedbg c:\windows\pbrush.exe, the Debugger actually waits for a command from me.
If i take a step, it says:
Single Stepping until exit from function, which has no line number information Stopped on breakpoint 1 at 0x0040100c (pbrush.exe.Entrypoint in c:\windows\pbrush.exe
If i then step again
Invalid address for breakpoint 0, disabling it ..... breakpoint 1 ..... ..... breakpoint 2 ..... Process of pid=0a24dbf0 has terminated
a very odd thing happens if i run, and then step:
another window pops up (gdb) and I get wine_dbg_cmd: Exception c00000005 in the Wine Debugger the gdb window says 0x402e2b41 in nanosleep () from /lib/i686/libc.so.6
and stepping in that window steps me through function nanosleep (?!?!?!)
it would seem that it starts to debug wine itself!
unfortunately, this window doesn't allow copy and paste, so i'll have to type it out for you (it may be a little incorrect):
__errno_location () at errno.c:48 48 return wine_errno_location();
(gdb) step
thread_errno_location () at ../../include/winnt.h:1717 1717 __asm__(".byte 0x64\n\tmov1 (0x18),%0" : "=r" (teb));
(gdb) step
Program recieved signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault thread_errno_location () at ../../include/winnt.h:1717 1717 __asm__(".byte 0x64\n\tmov1 (0x18),%0" : "=r" (teb));
(gdb) step
Program recieved signal SIGCONT, Continued 0x40305134 in read () from /lib/i686/lib.so.6
etc... etc... etc...
and it goes through a whole heck of code...
The only thing that comes up in the console is
Can't attach process 8072d90: error 5
Thanks, Kye Lewis kyethespy@liquid2k.com