Thank you for all the translations. I found some mistakes:
On Thu, Jul 05, 2018 at 12:12:50PM +0200, Julian Rüger wrote:
+<p>Dies ist das erste Release von vkd3d. Viele Direct3D-12-Funtkionen fehlen
It should say Funktionen.
+die Unterstützung von Geometrie- und Tessellationsshadern, diverse Verbesserungen
I believe Tessellationshadern has one s too many.
Regards, Florian
Hi Florian,
thanks for checking!
+<p>Dies ist das erste Release von vkd3d. Viele Direct3D-12-Funtkionen fehlen
It should say Funktionen.
+die Unterstützung von Geometrie- und Tessellationsshadern, diverse Verbesserungen
I believe Tessellationshadern has one s too many.
This does sound right to me, with one s it sounds really wrong. I guess it's the same old problem with "Essensmarken" vs. "Essenmarken".
Last one sounds like total BS. Duden lists both, but says my preferred variant is more common.
Best, Julian
On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 10:11:03AM +0200, Julian Rüger wrote:
Hi Florian,
thanks for checking!
+die Unterstützung von Geometrie- und Tessellationsshadern, diverse Verbesserungen
I believe Tessellationshadern has one s too many.
This does sound right to me, with one s it sounds really wrong. I guess it's the same old problem with "Essensmarken" vs. "Essenmarken".
Last one sounds like total BS. Duden lists both, but says my preferred variant is more common.
Tessellationsshadern sounds like plural to me, unlike Essensmarken which sounds like genitive. Of course this would depend on the gender of Tessellation. Either way, do what you see fit. :)
Regards, Florian
Tessellationsshadern sounds like plural to me, unlike Essensmarken which sounds like genitive. Of course this would depend on the gender of Tessellation.
It's supposed to sound like genitive (and does to me). Tesselation would be feminine, of course, just like any other German word ending in "-tion" (can't think of a counter example).
Die Tesselation, plural die Tesselationen... Right?
Either way, do what you see fit. :)
Will do ;)
On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 12:30:11PM +0200, Julian Rüger wrote:
Tessellationsshadern sounds like plural to me, unlike Essensmarken which sounds like genitive. Of course this would depend on the gender of Tessellation.
It's supposed to sound like genitive (and does to me). Tesselation would be feminine, of course, just like any other German word ending in "-tion" (can't think of a counter example).
Die Tesselation, plural die Tesselationen... Right?
If it is female, then genitive would be „der Tessellation“ (the number of l apparently varies depending on who you ask), which is why I would say Tessellationshader (Shader der Tessellation), except if Tessellation were plural.
Either way, do what you see fit. :)
Will do ;)
Wow, this is growing long...
If it is female, then genitive would be „der Tessellation“ (the number of l apparently varies depending on who you ask), which is why I would say Tessellationshader (Shader der Tessellation), except if Tessellation were plural.
That's not how it works ;)
For example, Information is feminine, correct construct i.e. "Informationsverarbeitung" (with an s), but "Verarbeitung der Information". Just like "Tesselations-shader" (Shader der Tesselation).
Am I missing something here?
I'll go eat lunch now, later we could discuss this further off-list maybe ;)
Best, Julian
On Mon, Jul 09, 2018 at 12:56:15PM +0200, Julian Rüger wrote:
Wow, this is growing long...
If it is female, then genitive would be „der Tessellation“ (the number of l apparently varies depending on who you ask), which is why I would say Tessellationshader (Shader der Tessellation), except if Tessellation were plural.
That's not how it works ;)
For example, Information is feminine, correct construct i.e. "Informationsverarbeitung" (with an s), but "Verarbeitung der Information". Just like "Tesselations-shader" (Shader der Tesselation).
Am I missing something here?
I'll go eat lunch now, later we could discuss this further off-list maybe ;)
Yes, you are right. Sorry. I guess I applied different rules to words that appear foreign/English to me.
Regards, Florian