2016-03-10 14:51 GMT+01:00 Paul Gofman gofmanp@gmail.com:
- unsigned i, j;
We usually avoid the bare "unsigned".
- for (i = 0; i < parameters_count; i++)
if (params[i] && params[i]->class == D3DXPC_OBJECT && params[i]->type == D3DXPT_SAMPLER)
struct d3dx_sampler *sampler;
sampler = (struct d3dx_sampler *)params[i]->data;
TRACE("sampler %s, register index %u, state count %u.\n", params[i]->name,
cdesc[i].RegisterIndex, sampler->state_count);
for (j = 0; j < sampler->state_count; j++)
hr = d3dx9_apply_state(effect, pass, &sampler->states[j],
cdesc[i].RegisterIndex + (vs ? D3DVERTEXTEXTURESAMPLER0 : 0));
if (FAILED(hr))
ret = hr;
It's better to add brackets to the for, for greater clarity.