"Nikolay Sivov" bunglehead@gmail.com wrote:
CreateFontIndirectExA (GDI32.@)
- */
+HFONT WINAPI CreateFontIndirectExA( const ENUMLOGFONTEXDVA *plf ) +{
- if(!plf) return NULL;
- return CreateFontIndirectA(&(plf->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont));
CreateFontIndirectExW (GDI32.@)
- */
+HFONT WINAPI CreateFontIndirectExW( const ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW *plf ) +{
- if(!plf) return NULL;
- return CreateFontIndirectW(&(plf->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont));
Why did you add the if(!plf) check?
+static HFONT create_font_ex(const char* test, const ENUMLOGFONTEXDV* lfex) +{
- HFONT hfont = CreateFontIndirectExA(lfex);
- ok(hfont != 0, "CreateFontIndirectEx failed\n");
- if (hfont)
check_font(test, &(lfex->elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont), hfont);
- return hfont;
You need to load CreateFontIndirectExA dynamically, otherwise the test won't run under NT4/Win9x.
static void test_logfont(void) { LOGFONTA lf;
memset(&lf, 0, sizeof lf);
@@ -137,6 +147,10 @@ static void test_logfont(void) hfont = create_font("Arial", &lf); DeleteObject(hfont);
- lstrcpyA(lfex.elfEnumLogfontEx.elfLogFont.lfFaceName, "Arial");
- hfont = create_font_ex("Arial", &lfex);
- DeleteObject(hfont);
All the code in test_logfont() fully initializes the LOGFONT before passing it to an API, the test above doesn't, is there any reason for that?