On Tue, 2005-03-08 at 17:03, Dmitry Timoshkov wrote:
it appears that new test for a visible desktop works fine, time to make running tests on a visible desktop a mandatory requirement.
Changelog: Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry@codeweavers.com Make running tests on a visible desktop a mandatory requirement.
--- cvs/hq/wine/programs/winetest/main.c Mon Mar 07 14:49:54 2005 +++ wine/programs/winetest/main.c Tue Mar 08 15:59:02 2005 @@ -547,6 +547,11 @@ int WINAPI WinMain (HINSTANCE hInst, HIN const char *cp, *submit = NULL, *tag = NULL; int reset_env = 1;
- if (!running_on_visible_desktop ()) {
report (R_ERROR, "Tests must be run on a visible desktop");
exit (2);
- }
- /* initialize the revision information first */ extract_rev_infos();
Apart from the fact whether winrash should be 'fixed' or not, this patch doesn't seem to do what it is supposed to do. Put in other words the running_on_visible_desktop is not correct (enough).
I've downloaded http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/paulm/WRT/CrossBuilt/winetest-200503091000-... and ran it (interactively of course) on my win98 and win2000 box. It doesn't start and complains with the error (as in the patch) "Tests must be run on a visible desktop".
- if (!running_on_visible_desktop ()) {
report (R_ERROR, "Tests must be run on a visible desktop");
exit (2);
- }
- /* initialize the revision information first */ extract_rev_infos();
Apart from the fact whether winrash should be 'fixed' or not, this patch doesn't seem to do what it is supposed to do. Put in other words the running_on_visible_desktop is not correct (enough).
I've downloaded http://www.astro.gla.ac.uk/users/paulm/WRT/CrossBuilt/winetest-200503091000-... and ran it (interactively of course) on my win98 and win2000 box. It doesn't start and complains with the error (as in the patch) "Tests must be run on a visible desktop".
Dito for Windows XP. Just tested it too.
That, and why put up a dialog with "Tests must be run on a visible desktop" when there shouldn't be any desktop to see the message. :-)
regards, Jakob
On Thu, Mar 10, 2005 at 12:40:31PM +0100, jakov@vmlinux.org wrote:
Dito for Windows XP. Just tested it too.
That, and why put up a dialog with "Tests must be run on a visible desktop" when there shouldn't be any desktop to see the message. :-)
Sounds plausible.
Is a MessageBeep() helpful at all then? If it is, then I'd use that one instead and maybe also do a Debug message output (the Win32 API name for that escaped me) that can be seen in some debug monitor (if that one can be used together with an invisible desktop, that is...).
Or maybe create a file SORRY_WE_DONT_RUN_ON_INVISIBLE_DESKTOPS in the winrash directory in that case ;)
Andreas Mohr