There are lots of little bits, some pretty basic, which Wine is missing before it can support mixed assemblies in Mono. For instance, says that we're missing an implementation of mscoree.dll.CorBindToRuntimeEx. This would probably be a fine area for an SoC project.
Dan Kegel wrote:
There are lots of little bits, some pretty basic, which Wine is missing before it can support mixed assemblies in Mono. For instance, says that we're missing an implementation of mscoree.dll.CorBindToRuntimeEx. This would probably be a fine area for an SoC project.
I doubt it qualifies as a simple app (as it includes multiple pieces), but the dotnet 1.1 dependent app I want to run is the download and handwriting recognizing software for the Logitech io2 Digital Pen.,CRID=1808,content...
If there is someone who wants to tackle it, I'll buy them the starter kit.,CRID=1553,CONTENTID...