I already posted about this problem, now maybe someone else is able to help me.
Creating ocx: http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2002/09/0021.html
Catching MFC exception: http://www.winehq.com/hypermail/wine-devel/2002/09/0057.html
I now have a simple ocx and an exe that has nothing else than this ocx in it. The ocx appears as black circle on white ground in the upper left corner (right, the wizard made ocx) In Windows it works without a problem but in wine there's an exception upon creating the ocx. It happens with both builtin and native msvcrt.dll. I can see that some exceptions are raised about missing properties in the ocx, they also appear on Windows (debug output) and get caught before doing any harm. I sometimes had problems reproducing it. Then the dialog came up but without ocx.
Both exe and ocx are made with MSVC6 (Project and binaries, debug/release):
Also here is a backtrace at the moment of the exception:
Alexandre once asked for an example, maybe he or someone else can use this here. I'm using actual wine from cvs on SuSE8, original dlls tried from NT4.
bye Fabi
Fabian Cenedese Cenedese@indel.ch writes:
I now have a simple ocx and an exe that has nothing else than this ocx in it. The ocx appears as black circle on white ground in the upper left corner (right, the wizard made ocx) In Windows it works without a problem but in wine there's an exception upon creating the ocx. It happens with both builtin and native msvcrt.dll.
Well, the exception will be there in all cases, but it should be handled correctly with native msvcrt, I'd be very suprised if this didn't work. Anyway it should now work with the builtin too, thanks for the detailed report.
I now have a simple ocx and an exe that has nothing else than this ocx in it. The ocx appears as black circle on white ground in the upper left corner (right, the wizard made ocx) In Windows it works without a problem but in wine there's an exception upon creating the ocx. It happens with both builtin and native msvcrt.dll.
Well, the exception will be there in all cases, but it should be handled correctly with native msvcrt, I'd be very suprised if this didn't work. Anyway it should now work with the builtin too, thanks for the detailed report.
Well, partly. I found out that it works if I start it in wine "wine app.exe". But if I start it with "winedbg app.exe" I still get this exception. So after all it's maybe not an msvcrt fault but a winedbg one. Maybe because it's catching every exception immediately even if it would be handled later by the program.
To find out what's going on inside the MFC I added all MFC-sources to my prg. Here's the new bt with MFC-files (original file names from MSVC6). The original MFC42.dll is loaded because of the ocx.
.. (rest deleted) .. Loaded debug information from ELF '/usr/local/lib/wine/msvcrt.dll.so' (0x413e0000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MFC42.DLL' (0x5f400000) Error: Copyfield list mismatch (4<>3): enum CTestocxCtrl::__unnamed struct none Loaded debug information from 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\TESTOCX.OCX' (0x10000000) No debug information in 32bit DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\MFC42LOC.DLL' (0x5fd00000) First chance exception: e06d7363 in 32-bit code (0x400dc135). Register dump: CS:0023 SS:002b DS:002b ES:002b FS:008f GS:0000 EIP:400dc135 ESP:406e1b50 EBP:406e1ba8 EFLAGS:00200246( - 00 I Z- -P1 ) EAX:406e1b58 EBX:40115d24 ECX:00000000 EDX:406e1b6c ESI:406e1bdc EDI:406e1be8 Stack dump: 0x406e1b50 (MSVCRT.DLL._gcvt+0x3c0db0): 40898c3c 006bbd58 e06d7363 00000001 0x406e1b60 (MSVCRT.DLL._gcvt+0x3c0dc0): 00000000 400dc0c0 00000003 19930520 0x406e1b70 (MSVCRT.DLL._gcvt+0x3c0dd0): 406e1c48 006c5198 cccccccc cccccccc 0x406e1b80 (MSVCRT.DLL._gcvt+0x3c0de0): cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc cccccccc 0x406e1b90 (MSVCRT.DLL._gcvt+0x3c0df0): cccccccc 004cfd92 406e1bf0 0056f8e5 0x406e1ba0 (MSVCRT.DLL._gcvt+0x3c0e00): 406e1c58 406e1c70 406e1be8 00465989 0x406e1bb0 (MSVCRT.DLL._gcvt+0x3c0e10):
0011: sel=008f base=4012c8e0 limit=00000fff 32-bit rw- Backtrace: =>0 0x400dc135 (RaiseException+0x75(code=0xe06d7363, flags=0x1, nbargs=0x3, args=0x406e1bdc) [except.c:84] in libntdll.dll.so) (ebp=406e1ba8) 1 0x00465989 (__CxxThrowException@8+0x39 in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e1be8) 2 0x00571c8f (AfxThrowOleException+0xaf(sc=0x80020003) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OleMisc.cpp:420] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e1c64) 3 0x005b53d8 (COleDispatchDriver::InvokeHelperV+0x7b8(dwDispID=0xfffffdfa, wFlags=0x406e0004, vtRet=0x406e0000, pvRet=0x0, pbParamInfo=0x406e1e6c, argList=0x406e1f08) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OleDisp2.cpp:380] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e1d88) 4 0x004462ef (COleControlSite::InvokeHelperV+0xcf(dwDispID=0xfffffdfa, wFlags=0x4, vtRet=0x0, pvRet=0x0, pbParamInfo=0x406e1e6c, argList=0x406e1f04) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccSite.cpp:976] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e1dfc) 5 0x00446408 (COleControlSite::SetPropertyV+0xc8(dwDispID=0xfffffdfa, vtProp=0x412e000e, argList=0x406e1f04) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccSite.cpp:1008] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e1e74) 6 0x00446618 (COleControlSite::SafeSetProperty+0x58(this=0x412e2e90, dwDispID=0xfffffdfa, vtProp=0x8) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccSite.cpp:1044] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e1ef0) 7 0x00446cc0 (COleControlSite::SetWindowTextA+0x70(lpszString=0x69e350) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccSite.cpp:1149] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e1f58) 8 0x00443b10 (COleControlSite::CreateControl+0x4e0(pWndCtrl=0x412e1090, clsid=0x69e440, lpszWindowName=0x69e350, dwStyle=0x0, ppt=0x406e21d0, psize=0x406e21c8, nID=0x3, pPersist=0x0, bStorage=0x0, bstrLicKey=0x0) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccSite.cpp:270] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e200c) 9 0x0043cc3e (COleControlContainer::CreateControl+0xfe(pWndCtrl=0x412e1090, clsid=0x69e440, lpszWindowName=0x69e350, dwStyle=0x0, ppt=0x406e21d0, psize=0x406e21c8, nID=0x3, pPersist=0x0, bStorage=0x0, bstrLicKey=0x0, ppNewSite=0x0) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccCont.cpp:184] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e20c0) 10 0x0043c310 (CWnd::CreateControl+0xc0(clsid=0x69e440, lpszWindowName=0x69e350, dwStyle=0x0, ppt=0x406e21d0, psize=0x406e21c8, pParentWnd=0x406e2cd4, nID=0x3, pPersist=0x0, bStorage=0x0, bstrLicKey=0x0) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccCont.cpp:77] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e2144) 11 0x0043c213 (CWnd::CreateControl+0x93(clsid=0x69e440, lpszWindowName=0x69e350, dwStyle=0x0, rect=0x406e22e4, pParentWnd=0x406e2cd4, nID=0x3, pPersist=0x0, bStorage=0x0, bstrLicKey=0x0) [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\OccCont.cpp:56] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e21ec) 12 0x00411568 (CTestocx::Create+0x48(lpszClassName=0x0, lpszWindowName=0x69e350, dwStyle=0x0, rect=0x406e22e4, pParentWnd=0x406e2cd4, nID=0x3, pContext=0x0) [n:\temp\mfcstatic\testocx.h:31] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e2268) 13 0x00411429 (CTestExeDlg::OnInitDialog+0xe9 [N:\Temp\MFCStatic\TestExeDlg.cpp:62] in C:\IMD\Bin\MFCStatic.exe) (ebp=406e2304) .. (rest deleted) ..
0x400dc135 (RaiseException+0x75 [except.c:84] in libntdll.dll.so): leal 0xffffffa8(%ebp),%esp 84 RtlRaiseException( &record );
What is this error that is showing up while loading the files?
Error: Copyfield list mismatch (4<>3): enum CTestocxCtrl::__unnamed struct none
Maybe this has something to do with it. Using wine from cvs 2002-10-11 with all builtin.
bye Fabi
PS: I'm now going away for about one week. If you need more info or sources just let me know, I will get there when I'm back.
Well, partly. I found out that it works if I start it in wine "wine app.exe". But if I start it with "winedbg app.exe" I still get this exception. So after all it's maybe not an msvcrt fault but a winedbg one. Maybe because it's catching every exception immediately even if it would be handled later by the program.
see wine docs about first chance and last exceptions and winedbg for cont/pass difference A+