Google hasn't sent out any applications to the mentoring organizations (e.g. Wine) yet, but they did just release a breakdown of the number of proposals recieved for each project. The count for Wine is at 77! No idea how many of those will make it through the selection process, but at least a few ought to be good. Here's the full breakdown from :
424 google 263 asf 213 gnome 209 gaim 204 other 156 psf 156 mono 126 ubuntu 90 freebsd 84 nmap 78 gallery 77 wine <------ 58 mambo 53 kde 49 svn 40 tpl 39 internet2 37 oo 35 fedoracore 33 lj 32 drupal 31 mozdev 29 handhelds 26 blender 25 winlibre 23 netbsd 23 codehaus 21 samba 21 jxta 18 xwiki 16 inkscape 15 plg 15 horde 14 semedia 13 jabber 12 asterisk 10 lispnyc 7 monotone 5 psu 5 oscar 5 ohiolink 5 bricolage TOTAL: 2795