At 05:49 PM 26/08/2001 -0700, you (Daniel Sabo) wrote:
As far as i can see the function is ok, maybe GetFocus is bugged?
static BOOL process_raw_keyboard_message( MSG *msg, ULONG_PTR extra_info ) { if (!(msg->hwnd = GetFocus())) { /* Send the message to the active window instead, */ /* translating messages to their WM_SYS equivalent */ msg->hwnd = GetActiveWindow(); if (msg->message < WM_SYSKEYDOWN) msg->message += WM_SYSKEYDOWN -
} ...
I doubt GetFocus is bugged. What is quite probable is that the focus/active window handling is not behaving like Windows does (if there is really *one* behaviour in the different versions of Windows, that is).
Another possibility (less probable in this case) could be that the Ms doc about WM_SYS* messages is inaccurate or incomplete.