Hello guys!
Wine 64bit (the one able to run 64bit Windows application) is nearly feature complete. As of wine-1.1.42 Wine supports shared 32/64-bit setups; though we do not recommend it yet for general consumption. This is more of a "heads up" info as the next stable Wine release aka 1.2 is "imminent" (about one month until code freeze and then an additional month for the stabilization period).
Proper Wine 64bit support poses some challenges for packaging as it requires *both* 64bit as well as 32bit libraries and binaries. This makes Wine 64bit packaging different from the normal other 64bit packages. To ease the pain we have created a wiki page with information pertinent to packagers/distributions: http://wiki.winehq.org/Wine64ForPackagers
Do not hesitate to contact us either by email to wine-devel or on irc on Freenode in #winehackers if you have any questions or suggestions. The above page actually evolved from discussions on irc.
If you do know about Wine packagers on other Linux distributions please forward them this info; we are pretty sure that we missed a few. We didn't forget about the non-Linux OSes but Wine 64bit is at the moment a Linux only feature; patches to change that are of course welcome ;)
bye michael