I've been playing around with building the wine dlls with the headers in winsup for cygwin/mingw. I've included the mingw headers after the local directory but before inclusion of the wine headers. I can build some of the more simple like twain and mapi doing this but I must also include windows.h in the sources. I noticed in wines windows.h it says it should not be included internaly so I assume this is also wrong for Mingw/MS_VC.
Simple Question: Is my assumption right?
Long Question: If so then does anyone have any recommendations on testing 3rd party headers under mingw.
Thanks Steven
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"Steven Edwards" steven_ed4153@yahoo.com wrote:
I've been playing around with building the wine dlls with the headers in winsup for cygwin/mingw. I've included the mingw headers after the local directory but before inclusion of the wine headers.
You should use Wine headers only. If they are incomplete or cause you trouble those incompatibilities should be fixed.
I can build some of the more simple like twain and mapi doing this but I must also include windows.h in the sources. I noticed in wines windows.h it says it should not be included internaly so I assume this is also wrong for Mingw/MS_VC.
Simple Question: Is my assumption right?
Long Question: If so then does anyone have any recommendations on testing 3rd party headers under mingw.
Try to avoid mixing headers from different build environments.
You should use Wine headers only. If they are incomplete or cause you trouble those incompatibilities should be fixed.
WINE headers work well under mingw. I am trying to build the wine programs and dlls with mingws headers so I can see where they are incompleate. It would be nice if long term all of our projects could share one set of headers. ReactOS is in the process of merging its header base with mingw so we wont need to maintain our own set of Win32api headers.
Thanks Steven
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