Please send patches inline. (I.e., use git send-email.)
On 23 November 2015 at 22:36, Vincent Povirk wrote:
Subject: [PATCH] d3d8: Accept CURSOR_SUPPRESSED as cursor flags.
This is not wrong, but please use "d3d8/tests: " as prefix if you're not touching the dll itself.
- ok(info.flags & CURSOR_SHOWING, "The gdi cursor is hidden (%08x)\n", info.flags);
- ok((info.flags & CURSOR_SHOWING) != 0 || info.flags == CURSOR_SUPPRESSED,
"The gdi cursor is hidden (%08x)\n", info.flags);
Why introduce the redundant comparison with 0? Anyway, the test should probably be something like "ok(info.flags & (CURSOR_SHOWING | CURSOR_SUPPRESSED), ...);" or perhaps just "ok(info.flags, ...);". The test is really just about showing that the cursor isn't hidden, and not so much about the exact combination of flags. Line continuations should use double indentation.
There's an equivalent test for d3d9 in dlls/d3d9/tests/device.c, I'd expect that to have the same issue.