I ran into the same issue and was in the process of trying to fix it up. Maybe this is a better approach because it doesn't require any user intervention? The idea was to pass the relative path through that function to get the full local path.
I can attach the rest of the patch if you'd like but it isn't in a finished state.
On 7/23/05, Tony Lambregts tony.lambregts@gmail.com wrote:
These patch are to meant address situations like mine when the AppDB is located a http://localhost/appdb instead of http://localhost/. These patches can be applied independatly from my other patches.
Change Log: fix situation when AppDB is not at DocumentRoot.
Files Changed: include/config.php.sample
Index: include/config.php.sample
RCS file: /home/wine/appdb/include/config.php.sample,v retrieving revision 1.11 diff -u -r1.11 config.php.sample --- include/config.php.sample 23 Apr 2005 02:24:35 -0000 1.11 +++ include/config.php.sample 23 Jul 2005 22:28:16 -0000 @@ -17,6 +17,11 @@ define("APPDB_OWNER_URL","http://www.winehq.org/"); // website of this product/company define("APPDB_OWNER_EMAIL","appdb@winehq.org"); // e-mail of this product/company define("BUGZILLA_ROOT","http://bugs.winehq.org/"); // path to bugzilla +// the following is usefull if the location of your appdb is offset from the +// DocumentRoot defined in httpd.config +// For example: If you access the appdb from http://localhost/appdb +// uncomment the following line . +//define("APPDB_OFFSET","/appdb");