Likewise, what's the current status of Installshield support, and how much work would it be to fully support Installshield-based installers? I don't see any open Installshield bug reports, maybe I should file one against the apps I have that don't install at the moment. (Or would that be overkill?)
Rob and I did some work on InstallShield for iTunes a few months ago, since then AFAIK no work has been done.
Status back then was that the InstallShield 7/MSI hybrid installers worked pretty well, the bug I chased for nearly a week was refcounting related (the backend wasn't shutting down) and since that was fixed I believe it works pretty well.
The other main problems I'm aware of are:
- needs stdole32.tlb, we have a program to generate this in CrossOver and it needs to be pulled upstream as previously discussed.
- Painting problems. I've not investigated this deeply but I'm 99% sure I know what the problem is. I've even written a patch to fix it as part of investigating iTunes, but I never tried the patch with an InstallShield that shows the issue.
Apart from those two there are mostly just generic issues - InstallShield contains its own scripting language which heavily exercises the variant APIs, so it sometimes shows up problems with them. I believe Marcus found an issue with them thanks to InstallShield recently.
In other words, InstallShield *should* work though it might not be pretty.
There may be installers out there which don't work, I'd like to start nailing them once I get back to Wine hacking. I don't know if I'll get time however. Also, Murphy continues to smack me down w.r.t internet connection, the ISP sent me the wrong type of modem and yesterday I discovered the phone socket I was going to connect the modem to doesn't actually work :(
thanks -mike