I really want to participate in Google's Summer of Code, but I realize I don't have much time left to find a suitable project. What I am thinking of is to improve Wine's capability of playing videos in games, first by fixing mciavi so it can play the Worms 2 intro films (bug 4256), and then hopefully progessing to fixing bugs in quartz/devenum, like crashes in Worms Armageddon or playback in WMP9. Is this too ambitious considering that I don't really have much experience with C and Wine? The closest I have gotten is some patches for Wine's WordPad implementation.
Alexander N. Sørnes
"Alexander Nicolaysen Sørnes" alex@thehandofagony.com wrote:
I really want to participate in Google's Summer of Code, but I realize I don't have much time left to find a suitable project. What I am thinking of is to improve Wine's capability of playing videos in games, first by fixing mciavi so it can play the Worms 2 intro films (bug 4256), and then hopefully progessing to fixing bugs in quartz/devenum, like crashes in Worms Armageddon or playback in WMP9. Is this too ambitious considering that I don't really have much experience with C and Wine? The closest I have gotten is some patches for Wine's WordPad implementation.
Very limited win32 programming experience might be a problem. If you intend to fix the problems with AVI file playback you should be prepared to fix wide range of things: winmm, msvf32, mciavi32 and any codecs involved. If you plan to look at the WMP9 playback problems that goes further to quartz.dll and OLE interfaces.
closest I have gotten is some patches for Wine's WordPad implementation.
Granted, it's less sexy than games, but you could learn more about C and Wine by building on that experience. There are lots of small and easy improvements that can be done get Wordpad up to par with native. Then come back next year to fix the games!
Lørdag 24 mars 2007 11:07, skrev du :
closest I have gotten is some patches for Wine's WordPad implementation.
Granted, it's less sexy than games, but you could learn more about C and Wine by building on that experience. There are lots of small and easy improvements that can be done get Wordpad up to par with native. Then come back next year to fix the games!
That i s a good idea. :)
I think I will go for it, unless anyone has objections to it.
Alexander N. Sørnes