Hello all,
after wrestling severals days with Wine's debugging capabilities I think I need some advice.
First, regardless wether my app (Catia) is launched with wine or winedbg, Peb->BeingDebugged is always False. To the best of my efforts I can't find the code snippet which sets this variable or does some sort of probing for the correct value. Oddly enough, the app breaks into the debugger after creation of a new process, anyways.
As the app uses a launcher, I have the chance to set BeingDebugged explicitely to True. Some time later, after the app created a few threads, it's back to False. Are there applications out there setting this flag to what they think is best? Any other possible reasons for going BeingDebugged back to False while running in winedbg? None of the functions Wine provides and handles this variable appears to be called by the application.
Third thing is, Wine's attempt to auto-launch the debugger messes up. Not only if BeingDebugged is reported wrongly, it obviously runs in conflicts if launched due to a exception stack overflow. Is it really wise to launch it by triggering an interrupt in DbgBreakPoint()?
Short of better suggestions, I'd try to make debugger launching independent from Peb->BeingDebugged (server/kernel should know better), try to get rid of the interrupt in DbgBreakPoint() and/or make debugger autolaunching optional (at compile time).
What do you think?
Thanks, MarKus
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