i want to compile a small MFC based app using winelib/winemaker. The system is Debian SID (upto date, daily patched) (wine 20040716).
As I understood from doc 'winelib-user/mfc-compiling' I have to compile MFC first. I copied dir 'atlmfc' from VC7 onto my machine, cd'ing into atlmfc/src/mfc und executing: winemaker --mfc . No errors.
Now ./configure --with-wine=/usr/bin --with-wine-includes=/usr/include/wine/windows --with-wine-libraries=/usr/lib --with-wine-dlls=/usr/lib/wine --with-mfc=/usr/oms/atlmfc --with-atl-includes=/usr/oms/atlmfc/include says 'checking for libntdll.so... configure: error: Could not find the Wine dlls (libntdll.so)'
And really: libntdll.so is not on my system, but I can find /usr/lib/wine/ntdll.dll.so Now I try to work around it by making a symbolic link ln -s /usr/lib/wine/ntdll.dll.so /usr/lib/wine/libntdll.so
Again calling ./configure with the same options as above results in 'checking for atldef.h header... configure: error: Could not find the ATL includes'
atldef.h does exist: -rwxr--r-- 1 oms users 7569 Sep 23 13:09 /usr/oms/atlmfc/include/atldef.h
I played around with some other options to ./configure but the result stays the same. I edited configure to wrok around it, but I get similar errors with other includes (which exist as well).
Can anyone give me a hint what to do? (Yes, I read the docs, but they are somewhat confusing... looks like something is missing there).
Thanks for your patience!