This is about frame edges and button edges on WINE...
On Windows, the default behavior is the outer left-top edge of a frame is painted with COLOR_BTNFACE and the inner left-top is colored with something white (COLOR_BTNHILIGHT maybe???). But for caption buttons and push buttons, they are reversed.
In WINE, the abovementioned edges, whether for a frame or for a button, are always: 1. outer left-top is COLOR_BTNFACE 2. inner left-top is white This is probably not so noticable, but it's actually quite disturbing if you ask me...
For comparison, in ReactOS (0.2.4), caption buttons' edges, and toolbar buttons' edges are drawn correctly, but those of push buttons aren't.
So the problem is: how do we reproduce Windows' default behavior? I have tried the styles for DrawEdge, and even made a program to try it out, but I can't seem to generate the correct edges for buttons.
The source to edges.c is attached. I wanted to attach the executable but... Can I attach it?
Oh, and this is off-topic: How do I use Tahoma as the default font for WINE, like in the screenshots? I think Bitstream Vera fonts look weird for Windows apps... I've searched google but found nothing that helped me...
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Sorry, the fix was trivial (or at least I think it is).
After I wandered around on the net for a while I think I found a solution to the edges problem: buttons should be drawn with a BF_SOFT border type.
Patch submitted to wine-cvs. Hope it gets committed :)
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