I've been having trouble with my RH7.2 LPRng based printing, so I decided I'd try installing CUPS. After fighting for hours to get this so-called easier printing system installed and working, I finally got to where I could print from Linux apps. Now, however, Wine steadfastly refuses to bring up a meaningful print dialog.
I've gone into system.reg and win.ini and removed all the entries relating to the printing system, to no avail. Wine sort of recognises that there is a printer named "Color" managed by CUPS, but it cannot get any kind of properties for it - no paper size, no queue, and any attempt to accept the dialog is either ignored or results in a fault.
This is with a CVS pull and clean rebuild as of 30 minutes ago.
Where do I go from here?
On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 12:13:57PM -0500, David D. Hagood wrote:
I've been having trouble with my RH7.2 LPRng based printing, so I decided I'd try installing CUPS. After fighting for hours to get this so-called easier printing system installed and working, I finally got to where I could print from Linux apps. Now, however, Wine steadfastly refuses to bring up a meaningful print dialog.
Yep, I've always been asking myself how this company came to name itself Easy Software Products. At least the CUPS install on Debian is rather problematic. You even have to type in printer URLs *by hand* in several cases ! The menu choices are not exactly non-confusing. A web-based system could be considered to be *made* for a good context-sensitive help system, yet there's none to be found.
I also encountered some string garbage (typical stray pointer or so) in the printer URL input some months ago.
Add to that the fact that CUPS gets rather completely rid of the useful Unix filter machanism, and you really start to wonder whether CUPS really is better than say lpd+printtool. Quite the other way around or so...
I've gone into system.reg and win.ini and removed all the entries relating to the printing system, to no avail. Wine sort of recognises that there is a printer named "Color" managed by CUPS, but it cannot get any kind of properties for it - no paper size, no queue, and any attempt to accept the dialog is either ignored or results in a fault.
This is with a CVS pull and clean rebuild as of 30 minutes ago.
Where do I go from here?
Known problem :-\ CUPS *should* be totally easy to set up in Wine, yet for some reason Wine stumbles hard and dies instantly. If noone has a stab at fixing this, then maybe I'll have some time to fix it. Don't ask for a close look at my ToDo list, though... ;-)
AFAIR we also have a bug reported for that, and if there isn't one, then it's about high time to create one.
On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 11:53:57PM +0200, Andreas Mohr wrote:
On Sat, Jul 27, 2002 at 12:13:57PM -0500, David D. Hagood wrote:
I've been having trouble with my RH7.2 LPRng based printing, so I decided I'd try installing CUPS. After fighting for hours to get this so-called easier printing system installed and working, I finally got to where I could print from Linux apps. Now, however, Wine steadfastly refuses to bring up a meaningful print dialog.
Yep, I've always been asking myself how this company came to name itself Easy Software Products. At least the CUPS install on Debian is rather problematic. You even have to type in printer URLs *by hand* in several cases ! The menu choices are not exactly non-confusing. A web-based system could be considered to be *made* for a good context-sensitive help system, yet there's none to be found.
I also encountered some string garbage (typical stray pointer or so) in the printer URL input some months ago.
Add to that the fact that CUPS gets rather completely rid of the useful Unix filter machanism, and you really start to wonder whether CUPS really is better than say lpd+printtool. Quite the other way around or so...
It IS realy better, especialy if you have a lot of machines and real printers with many options (different trays, duplex, etc.). And the non technical people just love the graphical print tools (qtcups, gtklp kprinter). And the best feature (best for me :) of cups is that it significantly reduces the "I can't print" helpdesk requests. Setup the printserver and for the clients all what you need to do is to install cups and start it, nothing more. You can still use filter, you can define them in ppd file, but normaly you don't need them because today most people print from applications and not from the command line and the applications use postscript as output.
bye michael
Andreas Mohr wrote:
Add to that the fact that CUPS gets rather completely rid of the useful Unix filter machanism, and you really start to wonder whether CUPS really is better than say lpd+printtool. Quite the other way around or so...
Actually, I do beleive that CUPS does use a filter mechanism internally. But I do agree - I'm not as sure that CUPS is all that much better. But to REALLY fix printing would mean far more than what CUPS can do - IMHO what we need is more of a RPC style system, where the client app communicates bidirectionally with the print server, so that the client can ask "What can you do for me?", the server responds "I can staple, collate, bind, and add gold leaf inlay", and the client can present that to the user. Maybe some sort of XML/SOAP sort of thing.... (-1, Offtopic).
Known problem :-\ CUPS *should* be totally easy to set up in Wine, yet for some reason Wine stumbles hard and dies instantly.
Then I respectfully suggest the the documentation should reflect this - I had a perfectly good LPRng system running, and the only problem was getting Wine to talk to my color printer. "CUPS is GREAT" sayth the docs, so installth CUPS shall I do....
If noone has a stab at fixing this, then maybe I'll have some time to fix it. Don't ask for a close look at my ToDo list, though... ;-)
Know the feeling...
AFAIR we also have a bug reported for that, and if there isn't one, then it's about high time to create one.
I was going to do this very thing (I am a big champion of Bugzilla at my place of employ - I have the attitude of "If there ain't a bug agin it, it don't exist!") but when I try to query the Bugzilla database, I get:
Please stand by ... Content-type: text/html Software error:
SELECT bugs.bug_id, bugs.groupset, substring(bugs.bug_severity, 1, 3), substring(bugs.priority, 1, 3), substring(bugs.rep_platform, 1, 3), map_assigned_to.login_name, substring(bugs.bug_status,1,4), substring(bugs.resolution,1,4), substring(bugs.short_desc, 1, 60) FROM bugs, profiles map_assigned_to, profiles map_reporter LEFT JOIN profiles map_qa_contact ON bugs.qa_contact = map_qa_contact.userid, longdescs longdescs_ WHERE bugs.assigned_to = map_assigned_to.userid AND bugs.reporter = map_reporter.userid AND bugs.groupset & 0 = bugs.groupset AND longdescs_.bug_id = bugs.bug_id AND (bugs.product = 'Wine') AND (bugs.bug_status = 'NEW' OR bugs.bug_status = 'ASSIGNED' OR bugs.bug_status = 'REOPENED') AND (INSTR(LOWER(longdescs_.thetext), 'cups')) GROUP BY bugs.bug_id ORDER BY bugs.priority, bugs.bug_severity: Can't write, duplicate key in table 'longdescs_' at globals.pl line 231.
For help, please send mail to the webmaster (webmaster@codeweavers.com), giving this error message and the time and date of the error.
Andreas Mohr wrote:
AFAIR we also have a bug reported for that, and if there isn't one, then it's about high time to create one.
Yep, I entered a bug report on this a while ago. It is bug #823 (http://bugs.winehq.com/show_bug.cgi?id=823).
-Josh Thielen